Friday, January 28, 2011

Lily and Mel - Best Sisters!

Melodie is such a good sister to Lily. Love you Lily, love you Mel!

She is a good little mother. Lily loves her.

And Lily likes Joe too.

Well, I'm sure Lily loves all her siblings, but I think she feels safest with Joe and Mel. She lets them carry her and be her surrogate parents when Corey and I are busy. They even change her diapers. It's fun having these older kids. It will be fun to see how the dynamics of our family change as they all grow up into young men and women. I love having all these kids. I feel so lucky, they are awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Tiff! So I totally blog stalk you, hope you don't mind. I can't stop reading about all these kids! So cute, you guys are definitely having an adventure! I want some warm, I see those cute little flip flops, and want to go to the beach!
