Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Abi and the Bunny

At the Valentine's Day Party on Monday, we stayed there all the afternoon - until 6:00. Around 5:00 I tried to get my kids to wrap things up - let's clean up some toys, let's put your towels and valentine's in the car, and Abi, the bunny needs a rest, we gotta go put the bunny in his cage. It took a few times telling her, but she finally relented and put the bunny away. Back downstairs to clean up more toys. After 10 minutes or so I count heads again... Where did Abi go? Abi? Abi! Where are you? We looked upstairs in Mary's room where she had played Barbies. Nope. She wasn't downstairs, not in the kitchen sneaking goodies (where she usually is found at home), Abi? We look outside again, and then I see it, two little feet hiding behind a tree at the far side of the backyard (I immediately thought of Eve hiding in the Garden of Eden)

Abi? Oh, I know what you're doing! You got the bunny out again didn't you? You little sneaker, trying to hid her disobedience, tsk tsk! We gotta teach you a lesson! (But first I go get my camera to take a picture, you make me laugh)

This little bunny was so patient with all the kids carrying it around. Looks like rabbits might be the ideal pet - small, fluffy, quiet, let kids maul them, (do they shed?) Abi might need a rabbit. She wants a rabbit. The thought of it sounds nice, but luckily Corey's not ready for a pet and I realize that the kids will be starting school soon and I don't want to worry about two toddlers loose with a rabbit all day do I?

I have a hard enough time keeping track of a toddler with eyeglasses, and the eyeglasses don't run around, need to be fed, or leave traces of what they've been fed. Yes, once I've mastered eyeglasses we'll consider the next level, which will probably be a plant. Until then, I might schedule regular visits to the Lamberts! Ready for that Liz? :)

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