Sunday, February 6, 2011

Circumference of Darkness

As our circle of knowledge expands, so does
the circumference of darkness surrounding it.
- Albert Einstein

Corey was having a email discussion on religion with a friend here this past week. Here's an excerpt from his email where he explains the circumference of darkness, and specifically how it relates to the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith:

First, I'll get you started with this mental picture - draw a circle. The circle is white and represents the things that you know. Color the surrounding area black - this represents the things that you don't know. The line bordering between the two is the circumference of darkness.

"The circumference of darkness is the line that separates the two: it is the things that you at least know you don't know, things which you probably have questions about. When we learn new things, our understanding grows - we know more stuff. But also, the circumference of darkness gets bigger because we are exposed to many more things that (before) we didn't know we didn't know - and now we have questions about them. The prophet Joseph Smith revealed so many new things about Jesus Christ and his gospel that they raise an enormous amount of new questions. If the new intelligence is consistent with other things you know that are true, and actually expands upon them, it is a mark of true intelligence. Some, however, reject new stuff because it does raise new questions - and can have unsettling implications."

I can share more of Corey's email if you'd like. It's good stuff.


  1. Jon wanted to share this..."After this excerpt it reminds me of another idea having to do with truth. Although I have never heard anyone put a name on it, I personally refer to it as the prism of truth. Picture a several sources of light being directed at a crystal or prism. They hit the prism and scatter off in a number of directions, creating different colors and shapes. This also is like truth. We have certain truths (light and knowledge) that act upon us. As we allow these truths to shine through our actions, beliefs and personality; they manifest on the world around us in many beautiful ways, much like the sphere you mentioned. Also as we apply the truths, we find that the coalescence of a number of truths through us (say one truth we gain from the scriptures, combined with another we learn from General Conference and overlaid yet another we remember from the temple) illuminates a fourth truth that is written nowhere. To me this is in fact the very essence of revelation, and entirely consistent with an ever expanding universe, much like the sphere you mentioned. It is expanding like the sphere, not just because of new creations, people, etc, but expanding because of new truth, light and applications of it all." Your post was very enlightening. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for that Carrie (Jon) - Good stuff, I'll share it with Corey :)
