Monday, February 14, 2011

Grocery Shopping: with or without kids?

We are heading over to a Valentine's party with the Lamberts and a bunch of Americans at 12:30, but I told my kids it was at 4 so they wouldn't keep asking me if it was time to go. :) Good thinking, huh! I didn't go buy Valentine treats, but I made a batch of No Bake chocolate oatmeal cookies last night for the party. Our friend Carola made these for Christmas and I took a picture of her recipe - simple and yummy for the kiddos.

I think I'll whip up another batch real quick, cause I don't have time to go to the store alone, and I don't want to go with the kids. (No offense kids)

I did take Abi and Lily with me to the store a week ago. I've pretty much gone grocery shopping solo for the past month, since I only go once a week, I figured it's okay to have 2 hours once a week without kids. But it had been a while, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Practically the whole time at the store I was getting so frustrated with Abi, actually more with myself cause I really knew deep down that that was what it was going to be like with her at the store. Of course I stayed far away from the toy section. But throughout the store she'd grab the junk food off of every tempting display. "Mom! Can we get chips!" "No, put them back" "Mom! Can we get cookies!" "No, we already got some cookies" The check out isle was killer too, cause it was hard to distract Lily from the shiny wrapped candy bars and treats that were just out of her reach. She was freaking out, and Abi was running around, throwing her cat. It was funny, a typical day at the store with toddlers, which is why I don't take them. :)

Abi did make me laugh in the produce isle when she saw this house for her cat (she's holding her webkinz cat)...

"Mom! It's a house!" she said in a happy voice of discovery. I turned to see what she was looking at, smiled. Imitating her happy tone, I replied "Actually, it's a garbage!" Then I cringed as she started to put her cat inside... "No, no, don't do that..." I continued to put veggies in the cart, she sat thinking, then replied, "It's a garbage house!" That made me laugh. Kids are fun. Mostly fun when they are lost in play in their kid world, imagining triangle shaped garbages are houses for their stuffed pets. Not so much fun shopping for me, unless I'm really relaxed and ready for it. So no store bought valentines for us, gonna go not-bake some more cookies real quick. Happy Valentine's Day!

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