Thursday, February 24, 2011

Treasures From Utah

Wouldn't you know - just when we're all missing home, we got some treasures from Utah today and are reminded that it isn't just a dream and we will return, cause look, Kurt did! He went there and came back, testimony that the land of Utah still exists and is only a quick all-night flight away!

Yes, our friend Kurt came back this morning - left the blizzardy weather of Utah to come back here to Chile to finish up his StartUp Chile business. "The weather here is great!" he happily told us - I shall try to remember that more often and not take it for granted. He brought with him a suitcase of goodies for us from Grandparent's and Walmart and Costco. Sadly, despite my research that it was okay to bring in raisins and craisins, they were both confiscated by the SAG at the airport. How rude. Let it be known that if you want to try and bring in raisins or craisins, SALT must be listed among the ingredients or it's a no-go (didn't know that the "salado" on the list was a must have requirement). I looked online, some sites said if it's sealed and is a brand name it's okay, others said if it's on the SAG's list it's okay (which raisins and craisins were, again didn't know the "salty" part was mandatory.) Glad we didn't try to bring in mangos - those are more costly and so I woudda been way ticked to have those taken away. You live and learn!

All the peanut butter and nuts arrived safe and sound, and I had toast with Adams peanut butter today for breakfast! Thank you Mom!!! Gonna keep the Adams PB jars hidden for "Mom's (and Dad's if he want's it) consumption only!" and make them last the rest of the time here, however long that shall be.

Another tip: if you're coming to South America and you have a baby with a bottom that needs to be wiped daily, bring your own wipes. The wipes here are worthless, and I've bought and tried every different brand they have. The Huggies brand here is tolerable, but still pretty weak (and the most expensive). Thank you again, dear mother, for the diapers and the Parent's Choice wipes! I hope to make these last the rest of our time here too, I shall wipe Lily sparingly. Parent's Choice are this Parent's wipe of choice! I prefer them over all the brand names in Utah. I brought enough to Costa Rica that they lasted us the 3 months there, and have been missing them dearly here in Chile. Now that I have good wipes again, I just might make it!

Another request from Walmart - floss picks. They don't have any floss picks at all here in Chile, or if they do have them, I haven't found them. So we've been using the same small handful of floss picks that are still hanging on to life from what we packed for Costa Rica. It's just so much easier and quicker to floss 7 kids with floss picks instead of floss. Well, the older 3 floss themselves, but I like to double check the molars sometimes and don't like trying to see in their mouths with my hands in the way. Glad to have floss picks again! I will survive!

And some other treats from Costco arrived - 2 boxes of Z bars, suckers and Reeces Cups, and some b-day presents for Ethan that I can't photograph cause he reads the blog, gotta keep it a surprise for ya Eth! You only have a month to wait till your big day! I know, I know, it's torture!

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