Thursday, March 3, 2011

...And They're Off!

Last night: shopping for school supplies from 6 - 9 p.m. I was sooo lost, didn't know over half the words on their huge lists of things they need to bring to class. I was getting pretty frazzled - told the kids "I think I'm feeling now how you'll be feeling tomorrow..." But I learned some new words after I came home and spent a half hour on google translate. Now I know what cera means - wax. And that lápices de cera means crayons. I didn't have a clue. They still need a lot of things. I'll try to get it before next week. But they got their gray pants and black shoes though, so they should be permitted to enter the school. (These guys are serious! Mel and Joe are really excited about their "lab" coats that are obligatorio if you want to do science. As Corey and I keep saying to each other with a smile, these guys are serious about their education.)

Got home from store 9:30
Late dinner
Floss and brush
Kids in bed at 11:00 p.m.

Corey and I were up until 1:00 a.m. - Corey working, me hemming up Melodie's skirt and dividing up the school supply booty into the designated backpacks.

First day of school:
Rise and Shine at 6:30 a.m. (it was still dark, big shock for the kiddos, they haven't been up this early for a loooong time. Kinda nice to get back to reality!)
Sliced apples to help their bodies get going
Get dressed in your uniforms!!! (they're so excited, and think they look so stinking cute)
Toast and eggs at 7:15
On their way down the elevator 7:30 with Corey, "I think you guys are feeling a lot like I did when I came on my mission... I was all excited, all dressed up, then after I got their I was like "huh? Hey wait, I don't know what they're sayin'?!"

They all laughed. They are all excited, yay! Even Hyrum, with the help of a generous Lego bribe. Hope it goes well tomorrow and the next day too, love those little guys.

Bonus: Wes, Abi, and Lily all slept through getting the school kids out the door!
Wesley goes at 1:00 today for his afternoon kindergarten. :)

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