Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cerro San Cristobal

Another month has gone by. Last night the kids were telling me how Costa Rica went by slowly, but Chile is going by super fast. I had to correct them, that it was just the first month that went by slowly in Costa Rica, then once we got into the routine of our adventure it started to zip by, and since Chile is just a continuation of the adventure, time is still booking. I admit though, February seemed to go particularly fast. That's a good thing, cause we're all excited to go back home.

Corey was on the local Utah news this morning on KSL. Go Start Up Chile!

Last Saturday we went with our friends Angela and Gabriel and their daughters to the Cerro San Cristobal.

It is pretty awesome - a the top there is a statue of the Virgin Mary donated by France in the 1920s - called la Virgen de la Inmaculada ConcepciĆ³n. You can ask Mary for a blessing or leave her a thank you note, and you can see the entire huge city of Santiago - amazing how big this city is, it just goes on and on... some good pictures on this website.

The kids were curious about what all the candles were for...

Just happened to run into the Mission President and his wife from the Vina Del Mar Mission. Pretty cool, love missionaries. On our way down the stairs Abi wasn't satisfied with just walking - being an adorable little girl she had to jump down the stairs. She was checking out her new exercise shoes - (thanks Mom!)

For fun with kids in Santiago, I would like to highly endorse the Parque Infantil at the Cerro San Cristobal park - too bad my camera was broken. We did get a few videos, but we're definitely going to go back when I have a camera so I can document it a little more, cause this park was seriously sooooo cool, I wished I was a kid again and that all my siblings were here with me to play - we would have had so much fun! My kids were in heaven, Wesley said "This is a dream come true!" then he expounded - "This park can be Indiana Jones, Ben 10, Star Wars, hot wheels... it can be all the games!" They ran around lost in their imagination for the next two hours.

Luckily for us the bathroom was locked and we had to finally call it quits so Abi could use the bathroom, otherwise we never would have been able to get them to leave.

When we go again I'll get some footage or pictures of the stone castles and wood bridges - totally out of an Indiana Jones movie set.

Merry March to you all! May this month be busy and productive and may time continue to march on so we can return triumphant from Narnia.


  1. That looks like an AWESOME park! It's been a real long summer for you guys! We love hearing the adventures. That cast on Abi's poor thumb is huge! Merry March!~Beka

  2. Hey, I've been there!
