Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Life - Back to Reality

My schedule for the rest of my life (here in Chile) looks like the following during the school week Monday - Friday:

6:00 - wake up, personal scripture reading (I'm 10 for 10 since I last recommitted myself!)
6:30 - wake up kids, make and eat breakfast, make 4 school lunches, help find shoes and books
7:30 - leave to take JMEH to school, school starts at 8:00
8:15 - exercise
9:00 - bath and shower, snack
10:00 - clean the house, laundry, dishes
12:00 - lunch for WAL
12:30 - leave to take Wes to school, school starts at 1:00
1:15 - hopefully I can get Lily out of the car and into the apartment without waking her up, she takes a nap while Abi draws and I hopefully blog or something (less frequent posts means that this ideal didn't happen)
3:00 -go to pick up JMEH, they are out at 3:20
4:00 - try to see if there is something that the kids' teachers are expecting me or them to do. The communication is getting difficult. I don't really speak Spanish very well (they talk too rapido) and I can hardly read what they say worth a darn. Google translate isn't helping much either - I don't know these words they're using!!
5:00 - Go pick up Wes from school - out at 5:30
6:00 - Home and make dinner, eat dinner, we have 2 hours to do homework, but usually they seem to need to unwind and just goof off (free time)
7:30 - I start telling them to floss and brush
8:00 - I start to count heads as to who has listened to me and who hasn't. I usually end up being the task master over 5 of the 7 kids, with a brush and floss pick in hand, making sure the job is done.
8:30 - family Scripture reading and prayer
9:00 - lights out and quiet (this is the ideal, but rarely happens... Usually kids are fighting over who's got what spot and who is bugging who and who just kicked me in the face and who is jumping on the bed (Abi) and yada yada until 10:00 which is when I give up and turn off the lights and go hide under my blanket and wish it all would just go away so I can try to go to sleep and be ready to do it all again tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiffanie! Sounds like a regular day for me too. Except for the 5:30pm pick up. That sounds crazy. Communication is so important and that would be frustrating with the language barrier. I bet you are doing great though. I really admire you for your travels with your children and the strong person you seem to be. Look forward to chatting with you, if that's okay?
