Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wesley's Turn for Pre-Kinder

Now it's Wesley's turn:

As the video was ending there, you can hear Wesley "This back pack is so big - woah whine! It's making me fall over!!!" The Kindergarten classes were full, but they had room for Wes in the pre-kinder class, which was okay by us. It's a half day, and starts when the other kids finish... I picked them all up today (a short day) at 1:20 and Wesley's class started at 1:30:

He seemed pretty shy/scared/sad going in, we all said prayers for him while he was gone. I told the kids that's what I'd done all day for them too - pray pray. (I think it worked!) ~ they all came home with smiles and lots of tales to tell. I'll try to document those. Wes seemed well when I picked him up, but wouldn't kiss his teaches on the way out - we gotta work them up to that custom. I bought him a new smaller Toy Story 3 backpack, so now he's excited to go tomorrow.

Here's one more video... Lily, who fell asleep on the drive to school to pick them up the kids, woke up after we parked at home and was delighted to see her older brothers and sister again. I got her out of her carseat and said "Lily! It's Joe!" to which she said "DOE!" as she stretched out her arms to him for him to hold her. (You can hear how she says "Joe" in the video):

She loves all her siblings, but I think Joe has a special place in her heart - he would be able to rock her to sleep when she wouldn't fall asleep for me. He has a magical touch with her that I lack. She loves Doe!

1 comment:

  1. The same thing happened to me wen you say that you prayed all morning for them, I did the same on my kids first day of school in Provo, and even though they didn´t speak english it was ok, and started to learn soon. I hope they are enjoying their time in school, they are very brave, I bet they are all getting all the attention.
