Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family Bike Ride on One Big Bike

After arriving back in Pucón, we had 2 hours till our TurBus ride back to Santiago. We walked down the street and ate pizza at a restaurant at 6:00 - early for dinner in Chile. Most restaurants were closed and don't open until 8. So we were glad to find a place that was open and we were the only people there. We ate outside by the sidewalk. People walking by would look over at us, then take a second look and keep looking as they walked and counted kid's heads mouthing the numbers as they counted "...cinco, seis, siete!" Others would walk by and smile or laugh at our cute little blondies.

After yummy pizza that looked strange to the kids (but they were hungry enough to eat it), we walked back across the plaza, and had to turn back cause there was a tourist trap that we parents couldn't resist: a 9 passenger bike - perfect for a family bike ride!

The kids kept saying "This is sooo fun!!! We have to get one of these bikes! Can we pleeease buy one of these bikes!?"

I think the guy was amazed to see his bike get all it's seats filled with just one family, he filmed us above, saying "Here is the largest family there is in Pucón!" - "La familia mas grande que hay en Pucón"

The older kids loved it - the video below is a little long, but Lily's expression and laugh at 1:30 is just priceless.

And the little kids squealed with delight (literally). They were cracking me up!
We got a video of each of the kids driving the family bike, it was a lot of fun, I think the highlight of the whole week for these little kids. They are so easy to please some times. :)

1 comment:

  1. People still count my 5 kids. It is worse if a friend comes without a husband....yes, we have gotten a few extra looks then. I love you are eating Pizza and McD's in South America! Enjoy your last few days!
