Saturday, April 16, 2011

Big Boat

So we went to the park on Tuesday, but had to leave the park to get the kids away from the cars at the park. We walked around the town, ended up walking past a dock on the south side of the Pucon Peninsula so I could try and get a good picture of Lily with the volcano for her ABC book - V is for volcano. There was a budding entrepreneur there just waiting for us - and Corey took him up on his special family group pricing. I would have said no, being the party pooper that I am - I had already had too much kid time. I was ready to go back to the room and do nothing, but I'm glad Corey was there, cause now we have a memory, even though we were both going nuts trying with our "kid safety radars" on high - trying to keep 7 kids from not going over the edge of the boat or out the window into the deep depths of the dark lake below. "Why do we do this?" we always say during our activities, but it's always fun to remember afterwards. Corey's great at making sure the kids get out and see stuff and make memories.

Here's videos from that boat ride. I'll post pictures tomorrow. 1 a.m., signing off.

Abi likes the ducks, diaper change for Lily:

Wesley is not afraid on the 2nd story of the boat cause his chair seems stable (nailed down). Hyrum is feeling more cautious this time than he did on the canoes:

Lily making cute baby sounds:

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