Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

We had a wonderful Easter on Sunday. The Lamberts invited us over for dinner, and it was lovely - Liz made a meat roast, cheesy potatoes, and delicious homemade apple pie - it was so nice - Corey and I were both in heaven and I am so excited to have my crock pot back again NEXT WEEK!!! Well, take that back, I'm sure I won't find it for a few weeks, but still, woo-hoo! I'm excited to be baking soon - I seriously have used the oven here ONE time and that was for frozen pizza - I have cooked everything on the stove top in our little motor home sized kitchen. I made french toast last week as a treat and was killing myself trying to find counter space. I'm way excited to see a lovely big American kitchen again! The Lambert's kitchen is very nice compared to ours in our apartment here, but Elizabeth and I both laughed at I said "Wow, your kitchen is so big!" as we remembered what kitchens in Utah are like - those are big, and it will be great to be back.

Okay, back to Easter - We didn't get plastic eggs, so I asked the kids to make something, and Melodie happily volunteered. She spent two days making these little Easter baskets. Friday was a day off from school for Easter weekend, so all Friday and Saturday she was busy coloring and taping her crafts.

Each one was different. She's so creative. All ready to fill the baskets with treats!

We went to their home at 3:00 and let the kids have their Easter Egg hunt first.

Hiding the goodies

We even let them eat it too - knowing perfectly well it might ruin their appetites for dinner, but the potatoes needed a wee bit more time, so they had fun gathering eggs in the back yard.

Finding eggs - I love toddlers at Easter - they find one egg and they're good! They stop to enjoy it and don't even know they're missing on the hoarding. Love little kids

Then they ate their goodies - can you see the high sugar level in Abi's eyes? She is her mother's daughter. I'm trying to get my love of carbs under control though, but Abi's got it in her blood just like I do.

Sweet Wes-ers

After the kids got their sugar fix, we sat down to a lovely feast.

Big kids got to sit with the adults, lucky lucky! And little kids outside on the patio table.

After dinner we adults visited for the next several hours while the kids played and played with toys and we were hardly interrupted at all! It will be so nice to have a big home again where that might be a more frequent occurrence for us. Next week at this time I'll be back in Utah and Corey will be in the air!

Thanks so much for having us over Elizabeth and Matt! We owe you - when you guys are in Utah this summer (and if you have time) it's our turn - dinner at our house, okay? :)

1 comment:

  1. That looks like the Matt Lambert who grew up in my ward in Sandy...small world. I know he's in South America somewhere.
