Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lily and Other Beautiful Flowers

Tuesday, 5 April - In the afternoon the kids went over to the Mini Club together and Corey was working in the hotel lobby, so after Lily wouldn't go down for a nap, I decided to take her for a walk to the beach. Pretty flowers in the brick walkway on the way there.

The outside patio between the hotel and the beach was this lovely rainbow of flowers - I loved the hanging leaves, with the shade and the view of the blue lake behind, it was gorgeous.

It was kinda hot on the beach, and Lily didn't seem to mind it, but I thought I'd still protect her from the sun's rays.

Sweet little face - She stared up at me with this kind of blank stare, like she was in a trance. I think she was enjoying the warm sand on her back, aahh. And of course I discovered later that speckles of the little volcanic sand collected in her diaper - looked like lots of poppy seeds on a bagel. After I had gotten toasty enough at the beach I dragged Lily away kicking and screaming. I wasn't able to get her in the stroller cause she was squirming, so I had her under one arm and pulled the stroller across the sand with my other hand - volcanic sand is not easy sand to walk in.

Pretty view of Volcan Villarica on the walk to the park

After we got off the beach I was able to strap her in and we continued over to the plaza park.

Pretty flowers again!

Lily not mad at me anymore, she had fun on the slide.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Oh, and the flowers too. :) Congratulations on your eminent return to the US!
