Monday, April 18, 2011

Puppy Dogs

We saw this cute little puppy on the way home from our family big boat ride. His owner was amazed at our brood and she asked how I did it. "It's like living with 7 puppies" I replied. That made her laugh. Yes, kids with lots of energy, making messes and noise, but they're stinking cute. You know, like cute little puppy dogs. This little guy was 4 months old and very cute. About the age Chloe was when we left her. We're excited to go say hi to her.

We saw the pup again the next day at the beach where he was out again for his daily walk. Cute little guy - Abi, Lily, Mel and Ethan are in love.

The kids are insisting we buy another dog. Corey is allergic though, so probably shouldn't, although he doesn't feel very safe that I'll keep my word on that since I didn't seem to care about his reactions to pet hair last time. There should be some dogs that are are okay for allergy sufferers, right? Corey had rabbits growing up. He likes rabbits, and they keep the girls happy too. But I think the boys need a dog.

Something else that contributed to the storybook feel of Pucón, besides all the short wood cottages and flowers and cobblestone side walks, was the big wolf looking dogs. Not little stray dogs like in Costa Rica or Santiago, they were all big in Pucón. I guess the small dogs die off and only the big ones survive the southern cold. Or the big ones ate the little dogs. I'd be thinking of Pinnochio or Hansel and Gretel during our family walks around the town, then when the dogs started following us or crossed out path, I'd start humming the tune to Peter and the Wolf, or start thinking of The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. They were all very nice and tame, but I still would say to them "Please don't eat my child" ...Watch out for the big bad wolves! They all seemed to like Ethan and followed us as we walked the 5 storybook town blocks to the grocery store. (Story book street blocks are much smaller than city street blocks.)

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