Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rescuing Kacey

The kids played the "throw things out the window" game most every day during our trip. On more than one occasion, the kids over shot the balcony and the toy would land on another balcony or on the grass below. Once, Mel's Webkinz Kacey was lost on the 2nd floor balcony.

Poor Kacey, she already had one of her paws broken and bandaged up in a toilet paper sling. Melodie called for help, and her brave brothers came to the rescue.

I was in the room reading, and Corey was watching them and approved of them doing this. I most likely would have stopped the rescue effort as any one of the following no-no's transpired. First, they just happened to find a ladder:

(I would have forbidden them - no-no #1: That's the hotels! You can't use that!) which I guess belongs to the management, and used it to first climb down the outer wall onto the grass area which we didn't have free access to:

(no-no #2: We can't go down there!)

And of course the all had to go down and help - I would have stopped that in my freaking out mode of hurry and get this over with. Maybe two kids are needed, okay Joe and Ethan, not Hyrum or Wesley, this isn't play time! Then they put the ladder to rest on the 2nd floor balcony of another person's room (no-no #3) and they let Wesley climb up the ladder (no-no #4)

Abi watching the rescue effort from the top of the wall.

And they all wanted a turn climbing up the ladder. As far as we know, no one was in the 2nd floor unit at the time, so hopefully they really were able to sneak in and out unnoticed.

Mission complete, boys! Let's head for home (Hurry up and get out of there!)

Again, glad I didn't see it all going on, I would have been a nag and stopped the fun - just wait till tomorrow, the maid will probably find Kacey and know it's ours and bring it up (as she had done with Lily's baby dolls which the kids kept accidentally throwing down on the grass or balcony. No rescue party came out those times. Those baby dolls don't hold the same toy status in the family as Kacey does.) Nice to know my boys can be their sisters' heroes in times of crisis. Hope to see more of that as they grow up, of them depending on each other and helping each other. :)

1 comment:

  1. Joe
    Sorry there where so many no-no's mom IO knocked and no one answered the many times I did so we figured it would be empty.
