Friday, April 29, 2011

Wesley's Last Day of Pre-Kinder

The older kids will be attending school on Monday and Tuesday of next week, but today was Wesley's last day.

Wes on the way to school.

Even though I was a little nervous for him on his first day, he took no time to adapt and has loved going to school. Such cute kids in his class and the teachers are just lovely and wonderful in every way.

This is Tia _____

And Tia ______
(All the teachers are called Tia (aunt) instead of Miss)

And in the photo below is Joseph's teacher who comes in to teach her subject to the Pre-Kinder class, and she taught the kids a song that Wesley just loves and makes him laugh his "tickle-me-Elmo" laugh that is just contagious and makes everyone giggle.

There's Wesley on the left drawing a picture of his imaginary friends...

Until he got caught a glimpse in his periferal vision of a plate full of artificially colored snacks

And forgot all about what he was doing...

and proceeded to follow Abi around and sneak snacks off her plate, and the other cute kids in the class were looking longingly at her too, so we had to go since there was not enough to go around.

I'm grateful Abi shared with Lily outside, they munched while we waited for the older kids to finish school for the day and week.

Mmmm... Nothing says "I taste good!" like bright rainbow colors, right?

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