Saturday, May 21, 2011

Best Apple Around

I just wanted to share my 2 cents here and give you a delicious apple to look for next time at the store in case you haven't tried them before: Pink Lady apples (aka Cripps Pink) are the most delicious apples around, and the prettiest! They are always such a bright and shiny pink and yellow, they taste crisp and tart, which I love - love sour fruits. Go and buy some today! Last night I went shopping for the first time since we've been back and I saw these and yay! Pink Lady Apples! To quote my children as we've been unpacking "I remember these!!!" I didn't see all the exotic tropical fruits at the store, but have enjoyed finding the old familiar stand-by's again ~ Nice to be home. :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! YUM! The picture alone makes me want one. :)
