Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dear Lily

As I clean and pack I am finding and scanning over tons of kid papers and drawings and crafts and notebooks, trying to sort out trash from treasure. I just found this gem on the inside cover of a spiral notebook that made me smile, a letter to Lily from Joseph. (spelling in original)

To: Lily Wride my sister
as I right this you're takeing a nap and I'll read it to you at the proper age when you can enjoy it and not tear pages out and ruin the whole tings and mak me start all over again and please let me sleep, everyone needs it just like in the 5th chapter.
ps, please do what it tells you
and also to Wane Wride my grandpa, Grandpa I hope someday you'll be able to read this book and Love you dearly and thank you for all you taught me. Joseph Wride

(the story he was referred to is not in the notebook, hmm. I'll have to find out if he took it out and is guarding it somewhere else or if Lily really did destroy it again and poor Joe has to start all over.)


  1. Joe
    You found that I wasn't even going do it any more how embarrassing

  2. Joe
    ...and mom i tore those out cause i wasw giving up and would of had to start over nay way.
