Monday, May 16, 2011

Moved In with Sick Kids

We are officially moved in - most everything is in the house or in the garage, and most of it is still in boxes. Except the Legos, boy were the kids excited to see all their Legos. They got right to work, and I'm grateful they've all been busy and entertained for the past 72 hours. I love Legos!

Except for Lily and Abi. They've needed their mother and father and have been very clingy, cause they just feel rotten. We had a terrible night last night - Abi and Lily are really miserably sick. Lily's been looking and acting like this

I'm taking the two little girls to the pediatrician in a half hour, along with the middle 3 boys that I kept home cause they don't sound so good either. Coughs mostly from them, Abi woke me up at 4 a.m. saying she needed a bandaid for her ear - she's been really congested so I think she's got an ear infection. Lily is just miserable. At 6 a.m. I decided to take them down for an unhealthy breakfast, hoping the marshmallow cereal would tempt them enough to make them put it in their mouths and stop their crying that had been going on for 2 hours.

Didn't work. Abi was so exhausted she went to sleep again their at the counter, after she put on a coat cause her fever made her cold. And Lily's screaming brought her father to her rescue again and he took her upstairs and she fell asleep with him for a few hours.

Now I'm off to the doc, and hopefully some antibiotics will make these kiddos feel much better by evening.

1 comment:

  1. Joe
    Yeah lily was really clingy to me when I was doing home work although she has been refusing me lately she was so picky and clingy she wouldn't let me sit down lay down the only thing she accepted was me carrying her walking around.
