Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 Randoms

1) Starting to work on Lily's ABC Book. Took the picture above on Sunday, I'm pretty sure it will make the final cut: W is for Witch I'm a cute little witch! (Love that mischievous grin - looks like she's cackling!)

2) My fingers and forearms are sore - on Monday my finger muscles were burnin' from holding down the spray button on 16 cans of spray paint as I primed a red bunk bed and then painted it white. That's for the girls room. It looks pretty good!

3) This morning I went on a walk and saw a hawk catch and then fly off with a quail bird. I felt bad for the quail. What are ya gonna do? A birds gotta eat I guess, but it made me think he was a cannibal, and also quoted Bug's Life to myself "It's a bug eat bug world out there, princess."

4) I need to get a trim, looking a little ragged and feeling a little too thick and hot. Going to schedule it soon. I go to Micky at Lunatic Fringe on Parley's Way. Highly recommend her, she is awesome.

5) My house smells like Indian curry right now. I made it for dinner last night, it was yummy and the kids ate it up very well, I enjoyed the leftovers for lunch. Mmmm! My first time cooking from a recipe since we've been back! Oh yeah, I'm stepping up to the dinner plate! Getting food on the table for dinner regularly was step 1. Step 2: using a recipe, going to try and make it a habit.

6) Besides the 5 squirrels in the backyard, we also have a red fox for a neighbor. I love it! We are living in the city but not of the city.

7) Corey's flying back to Chile for a week next week. He's gonna be gone for his birthday. So sad.

8) I have a recurring dream of my teeth falling out. Anyone else out there have that? Corey read in a book what it could mean. I think it might be right on. There are other interpretations on google. I'll have to find the book at write down what it said, then talk about that later as it's given me food for thought about myself.

9) Selling some stuff on Craigslist. I miss how big Craigslist is in DC - I could find anything and everything on there, and great stuff too. It's a little slower here. I have better luck at Deseret Industries, which is fine cause I love to go there too - get's the creative juices flowing.

10) Taking a poll: for our bookshelves in our side room with fireplace, which kind of bookshelves should we get? 1: Billy or 2: Expedit? We're going for black this time, yeah, really shaking things up!


  1. Did you know there is a Lunatic Fringe just up the street from me? It just opened. I like both those shelves - but one bonus of the Expedit is being able to fill some of those squares with square storage bins. If you want more storage. Nice place to keep toys (Legos?).

  2. EXPEDIT all the way. The shelves won't sag in the middle, better support with all those squares.

  3. Matt and I got a kick out of the "cannibalistic birds". Apparently the phrase has upped to a 'bird eat bird world out there' :)
