Saturday, June 18, 2011

Blogland - Hear Me Roar

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time in blogland mostly thanks to this site that I came across - I am Momma Hear Me Roar. As we traveled the last year I'd look at blogs about home decor or fun ideas for decorating kids rooms or sewing and just sigh - someday. Well now is someday! I've got a house just waiting to showcase something. I've been thinking a lot about decorating and what to do for these open walls, and have some projects already finished (I painted a red metal bunkbed white!) others begun (going to have a bug/garden theme in the kids bathroom upstairs) and others waiting to do and should do them before I buy more and make more stuff to do. But there are so many cute ideas here, I love the printables and joined Picnik yesterday, excited to put photos with quotes on the wall. I also loved her Be sign.

I need that in my house to remind me to be grateful. (I've been a little overly mopey this week with Corey gone... he'll be back tomorrow! Yay!)

So if you're looking to get lost in time online, have fun getting lost on her blog or on her list of blogs that she loves. President Hinckley's six 6 Be's wall decor sign

1 comment:

  1. If you love printables, you'll love this site:

    Beware, you will squeal with delight and you will loose A LOT of time getting lost in all the great stuff! You will also start to feel dizzy when you can't decide which thing to download first!

    Good luck!
