Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Brian Regan Moment

I was making dinner, had the chicken drumsticks ready to bake - oven beeped that it was ready at 350, I open it up and lo and behold, there was a tray of brownies in there!

"There's already one in here!" - Epitome of Hyperbole, Routine 5- TV: cooking shows (no clip of it on YouTube, so go get the DVD, he is too funny)

Totally made me laugh - those brownies had been waiting in there to be discovered for a week - now they were nicely warmed up for a second chance at making the dessert menu. Last Monday night I had baked up 4 batches of brownies to give to neighbors as an excuse to go introduce ourselves. Apparently in the chaos of loading up lots of plates with brownies that were falling apart cause I hadn't followed directions and let them cool in the pan and getting shoes or sandals on 7 kids I had forgotten the last tray in the oven. They were very crunchy, like eating a tray of brownie crust (the edges are my favorite part!). After their dinner was done I let the kids eat up the whole thing.

Since I couldn't find the clip, here's another one of Brian for your entertainment. We had a moment like this at a McDonald's in Las Vegas in April 2010, I seriously didn't know what the lady was saying, then Corey and I started quoting this "Franchise? In Pensicola?"

I also love this one. He is hilarious. I'm sure he'll come to Utah this year again and we'll go see the show, last year show was so funny, loved the opening jokes on getting older - we were laughing so hard we were crying, they were doing a live recording, (...they probably recorded a few of the shows), but we were there for the Salt Lake City recording. Good Stuff!

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