Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wave At The Bus

Just saw this on the online Deseret News, check out this blog:

I think that is hilarious! How much did it cost him to get all those costumes? Or did he borrow some? An idea to save in my mental file - could be useful someday! I think that is really funny. I looked back through day 86, will save the rest for tomorrow. I think my favorite so far is Day 111. I like the funny lines and movie quotes on the sides. :)

When Corey was at school at BYU, I bought a way official Darth Vadar "Supreme Edition" Costume, paid too much for it, not an impulse buy, but still didn't run it by Corey, still have it (hard to sell things or give things away when you didn't get a bargain on them...). Anyway, Joe was in kindergarten, and one day Corey picked him up at the bus stop as Darth Vadar, waiting with his lightsaber, for Jedi Joe. I brought Joe's lightsaber for him, traded it for his little back pack, and the duel began with all the other kids in awe and mothers watching too. It was pretty funny.


  1. I should do that one day. The kids would get a kick out of it, as would the teachers. It would be the talk of the school. It would be great to see video of it.
