Friday, June 10, 2011

Wrestling Game

Corey and I call it "Wrestling". The kids call it "WAR". "Let's play war!"

First it was just the boys. Joe was beating the Ethan-Hyrum team, and both of them were in tears and full of rage. Then Ethan took a cheap shot at Joe when the truce was called. He was instructed that if he can't play fair he doesn't get to play. Cheap shots are not allowed. Corey supervised the war for a while, then he got in the game. They came down for a drink of water, all red faced and sweaty.

I thought I'd go document. 3 kids vs. 1 Dad. They didn't have a chance. Ethan and Hyrum were glad to see Joe meet his match. Joe was really riled up and upset when Corey would mock him by hurrying and giving him a kiss on the lips during his attempts to punch him.

When I came up my shadow Lily followed. That took the game up to a new level - new name of the game: Get Dad, but if you hurt Lily you lose.

1 comment:

  1. Look at those boys work! Poor Lily was in the danger zone! ~Beka
