Friday, July 15, 2011

Heber Valley Camp

On July 1st, we and our crew joined up with Corey's parent's, siblings, and cousins for a night up at the Heber Valley Camp, and it was a lot of fun! (Hey Hibberts, this might be a fun thing for us to do sometime!) Here are a few pictures of our overnighter:

Corey teaching Lily and Hyrum how to rope cattle.

Lily riding the cattle! This is up as a possible "X is for ox" in her ABC book (I always have to get creative with X and Z, Q is always for "quiet"), which I plan on working on and finishing up at this years gathering of the Wrides in Park City - two weeks away! (The kids are excited!)

The kids really liked the built in bunks in the cabin - each cabin had 16 beds to choose from, tough decision for the little campers to finally decide on where they'd park for the night.

Corey and I didn't sleep that great, and Lily didn't help with that. I'd say it was better than sleeping with her on an airplane though. ;)

After we cleaned out our cabin Saturday Morning, Lily continued playing her favorite game of climbing the bunk ladders - her favorite activity at camp. Made me stress out cause the rungs of the ladder were just far enough spread that she could reach it, but just barely and almost slipped a few times - (I think she was trying to break her other leg)

A nice covered pavilion with lots of tables where we ate our meals.

There were lots of deer and they didn't spook easily and came really close to us quite a few times - the kids saw lots of them on the trails around camp too. Fun!

Saturday Activity: Play Doh. The kids were busy making cupcakes for their stuffed animals, then made candles for the cupcakes using salt crystals that they found - I'm guessing other campers left behind from making ice cream? We were very impressed with the kids' creativity.

We checked out at 2 and headed over to Legacy Lake for some canoe rides. Lily fell asleep in the car, so we let her stay and rest and I stayed in the car with her and read, so I didn't get any pics of the fun on the lake, but Corey joking with me afterward that their theme should be "No fun allowed" cause there was no splashing allowed and there were a few too many of the Senior missionaries watching their every action for them to be able to relax and enjoy themselves too much. ...Might be a little over managed. :) They are a little too prepared! But it was a lot of fun, two thumbs up.

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