Saturday, July 30, 2011

Park City

Tomorrow we are leaving for a week in Park City. Give me a call if you can come and play, we'd love to have you! Here are a few pictures of last year showing the fun things we get to do this week:

Of course there will be lots of time swimming and playing by the pool.

Alpine Slide is always in the books (I'll be skipping out on that this year)

Last year we rented a boat at Jordanelle, that was a big highlite for the kids.

And for fun, a few from 2009, which will be more like what this year will look like for me... Lily was a month old, so I spent most of the time chillin', but it was all good.

Keeping an eye on the toddlers while the rest of the crew rides the Alpine slide.

Doing Grandma's crafts with cousins

More pool time

..and I thought Hyrum looked hilarious doing his penguin walk down the hall with the flippers on his feet and the snorkle still in his mouth. We are excited for a fun week!

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