Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crazy Hair Day

It's RED RIBBON WEEK and "Just say 'No' to drugs!" time here in our school. Tuesday was Crazy Hair Day, which is always a big hit with the kids.

Usually I help out a lot, but we've all be waking up late, so the kids were on their own this morning cause I had to make sandwiches and nurse the baby. Joe did a good job I thought. Hyrum had Corey help him use my hairspray.

I did end up helping Mel - she just couldn't think of what to do and how to do it and was sulking and going to leave with her hair normal when I said "Oh, come here" and we took off a little fall decoration thing from the wall and put that with her hair up in a ponytail.

Ethan got into the girls' curlers. With such short hair they were barely hanging on to his head, so I kept threatening "don't lose them" cause you know the world's going to end if one of Abi's curlers is missing.

Wesley didn't really care about playing the game, but I put his up quickly as he was walking out the door, telling him "you're a Teletubbie!"

And lastly, I thought I'd post this picture of our cute neighbors, they are always over at our house keeping my kids company and helping hold Sophia, they are cute. They did a good job on their crazy hair. I'll keep this picture for Mel's future reference, something to help our creative juices get flowing next year.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness Joe is like a mini Corey. How fun. Our school doesn't do crazy hair day. I even bought colored hair spray just in case but no go. The best we get is mismatched sock day.
