Thursday, January 19, 2012

Banned from the Bathroom

... and here is why.

So help me Lily, I shall try my best to keep my bathroom locked at all times. She's taking the advanced toddler destroyer class and as homework now skips the drawn out "unrolling" part of ruining tp, much more time efficient to just throw the whole thing in. Although, as you can see from the pic above, there were three rolls of tp that were spared, so I did count my blessings as I cursed while reaching my hand into the toilet to fetch these loaded rolls out. But it did teach me that White Cloud tp really is as advertised - they almost had that whole toilet bowl of water absorbed - impressive!


  1. Oh dear!! But you have to laugh!

  2. You get the last laugh because you'll remind her of this when she's older! My youngest went through a phase of climbing into the toilet bowl to play.... Needless to say, he outgrew this, but not before I took plenty of pictures!

  3. This is great! I have a blog about my foster kids and you are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your family with us.
