Friday, January 6, 2012

Calico Critters

Melodie got some Calico Critters for her birthday last month. I've looked at these before, and they were stinkin' cute, but I resisted for a while since they cost a pretty penny too much. But Mel and I had talked about what she wanted and these were on the list, so my mom and I coordinated to get her a few good sets she could use together. Mel loves it, just look at all the cute little tiny pieces! A little toaster with little slices of toast!! Little head of lettuce and little tomato ready to be sliced on a little cutting board with a little knife!! (So many little pieces that I will probably not see and accidentally vacuum up!!!)

Mother cooking while the Calico dog family's baby is currently the rabbit family's pet.
I also feel bad for horses, cause they almost always stay in that role of beast of burden, no horse family, but there is a cow family. And the cows can ride the horse. Poor horses, they're stuck.

The family sitting down for dinner

So now we've begun our Calico Critters collection of toys - fun fun!

Her friend Aria had some too, so they immediately started working on creating this new little world of imagination, including making homework papers for little boy bunny, who was in a bad mood and didn't want to do his homework, so he scribbled on it.

Little girls playing making the little boys the naughty ones. The girl bunny, of course, dutifully competed her assignments perfectly and does all her chores without complaining, she even gave the baby a bath, wow!
The girls also requested for me take pictures of each rabbit family member in front of their lego Christmas tree (which was a b-day present from her other Grandma - don't ya just love legos?) I'll just post one of those individual portraits, but the girls are hoping I can somehow print up those mini pictures so they can frame them and put them on the rabbit's house's walls, although they don't have walls right now since their house is a coffee table.

Great cross play with legos into all areas of childhood. Merry Christmas to the Rabbit family!
And a happy new year!

1 comment:

  1. This has nothing to do with Calico Critter...(though they are adorable) but I just had to thank you for the book suggestion of "The boy who came back from Heaven" I read it yesterday (yes in one day ;) and loved it! It was calming and reassuring and it made me grateful for the full knowledge of the gospel which we have!


