Monday, January 23, 2012

A Mormon on Drugs

My sister sent this to me - we thought it was hilarious so thought I'd share:

Mormon on Drugs
short version above (10 min) long version below (20 minutes) - he talks some politics in that one! Funny!
Long Version

The operating room part is hard to hear, but when he gets in a recovery room (at 2:47) it's better. SO FUNNY! Worth the 10 mins. There's lots of good parts, here are two of them...

"You just knew what Mom? You're always saying you know EVERYTHING!!!"

"I don't want to go to BYU anymore. Those Mormons... some are so nice, but some are soooo ...


  1. Oh, man....I need to watch it again. I love when he starts singing "O Holy Night" and everyone starts to laugh & he says, "why are you laughing at me?!" Then the part he talks about the Polar Express? So random! You know there is a longer 20 minute version where he also talks about how he hates the President of the United States. =]

  2. Thanks Jersh, we all enjoyed a good laugh with this :) I'll have to watch the longer version, so funny!

  3. "Holy Crap... What, "crap", I do "crap", "crap"'s a good word, it's a good word, it's a really good word!!!"

  4. Hey, it's me.. Tylan. I came across this! I'm so glad you shared it. ;)

  5. My kids and I were watching America's Funniest Videos last night - a girl who had her wisdom teeth pulled won - all my kids were saying "Tylan's was way funnier than that one, he should send it in!" :) Thanks for making my kids and I laugh!
