Thursday, January 26, 2012

Zip Itty Dodah (aka Brian Regan)

Hey Beka, how was Brian Regan? I've tried to remember some of the jokes from our show so we could compare. :)

- Hogle Zoo - "Well, this is what we look like..."
- Doctor Late to appointment - 5 minutes ok if there's blood under the door
- House construction - what is your net worth?
- Water heater installation - "Not over there, over THERE!!"
- 3 a.m. music for free
- One free kill
- shadow boxing, shadow polo, chest bump (he didn't do the lottery ticket at ours)
- Mortgage crisis - magician trick
- Magician doing dog tricks
- Dog doing "illusions"
- Edna, I love what you're done with your hair!
- space tourist, the rocks are hard!
- checking into a hotel - Is it under another name? Yea, check under Zip Itty Dodah or Yip E. I. O. Kaiyay
- ipod is amazing - it's able to turn all the songs we love into the songs we hate "nope, don't want to listen to that, not that... not that, well, guess I'm done!"
- dancing on the dance floor!
- marching bands, that was the flute player's idea "Come on guys, it's easy! Like this! We're spelling Mississippi!"
- There are only two kinds of sprees - shopping spree and killing spree. "I'm going out for a spree honey, see you later." "what kind of spree?" "You said we needed bread and milk... so I'm going to go kill all our neighbors and take theirs."

I've been wasting time on YouTube now... this clip had a few jokes I hadn't heard before, he's so funny

What were some others? Brian Regan is hilarious!


  1. Lots of familiar ones up there, one free kill, checking into hotel, marching band, mortgage, ipod, shadow polo, water heater, house construction, doctor late, zoo... but he also did Brian Regan the spy and Brian Regan the writer of 102 Dalmations, doing the interview on the red carpet in front of the poster... "What's the story about?" No Jokes sign at the airport (Hilarious!, drawing maps (question mark on Lybia, dotted line around Egypt), the first phone call (the feather pen!!). The encore was hilarious... and embarrassing. When he started Matt yelled "MANSLAUGHTER" at the top of his lungs. It's one of his favorite bits... however, that room has GREAT acoustics. Not only did it sound like it should've echoed, Brian Regan took two steps back and "whoa." Then promptly pointed to a girl on the front row who asked for the UPS bit. He said he'd do that one, but the audience was still shouting for favorites. Brian started mimicking a huge pole with a white flag on it and waving it. "Maybe I need those orange sticks they use to guide planes. 'We've already decided on a bit!' "

  2. Oh, the new year second... indians/cowboys die differently ;)

  3. bagpipes too :) We'll just have to talk on the phone about this like real people :)

  4. Oh yeah, bagpipes, that was funny!, the first phone call, such good memories from last week! And that's funny of him guiding the airplanes coming in. :) Yes, we'll talk, love ya!

  5. I laughed out loud at the reminder of the hotel, flute, free kill, and the Dr. Did he do the long hair coming out of his forehead?

  6. YES!! He did that one, how did I forget it, that one was my favorite!! "No one in my life cared to tell me... 'Has he noticed the hair yet?' 'Not yet...' 'How is that possible? He must look DIRECTLY INTO the mirror and not turn his head, and the hair must stick straight out...'" That one was THE FUNNIEST!

  7. Do you know where I could find Brian Regan's skit about checking into a hotel? "could you have possibly made a reservation under a different name?"

  8. Hey Karen - I haven't seen that one online anywhere, but will put the link on this post if I do find it sometime. :)
