Sunday, February 19, 2012

13 Years

Today is our Anniversary. 13 years of wedded bliss. Yesterday Corey and I went skiing to celebrate - his parent's watched 7 kids, my parents watched Sophia. It was fun.

I told Corey to go easy on me, since it's been 2 years since I'd hit the slopes, and before that it had been 10 years since I'd skied. ...and this is where he led me to on our first run...

And this is now I looked for most of that run...
I told him I got to lead next time, and I did, and we followed the signs with arrows that pointed to the "Easiest way". It was much better that time. Much more fun to ski if you are able to stand on your two feet.

For dinner we went to a fancy restaurant where we went on our 1 year anniversary. We didn't make a reservation, but we will next time we go there on a weekend. Got there at 7:30, they had one reservation slot for 9, so we sat and talked and twiddled our thumbs and let Sophia suck Corey's fingers and I took lots of pictures of her, I kept thinking "Mel is going to love these pictures!!!! Sophia is so cute!!!!"

The food was amazing, desserts were wonderful, but my favorite part of the meal was these things.

I don't know what they were, but they were delicious! And I love Corey, looks like our "Happily ever after" is gonna work out!