Thursday, February 9, 2012

You Can Have It All

A few years ago I heard a saying that has stayed with me. I was at a meeting and a woman was talking about how we all have a huge list of things we want - things to do, to learn, to read, to buy, etc. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the huge list and how you'll never have time or means to do it all, just remember (and here was her saying):

You can have everything you want,
you just have to have it one at a time.

I loved that! So I already had a mental list, and I went home and made a real list, and sure enough, as I took it one at a time, I was able to buy all the things I wanted for my home (that's where most of my wants were... all this moving and relocating, I'm in constant nesting mode, trying to get the house together, and then once I feel like I'm almost there, we up and move again!)

My list continues and I'm always adding more things and crossing off things that are done. Some things on the list are removed as they become unimportant, or some are still on there, but stay on the list cause they are less important that others. So, whatever you want, just write it down and know that you can have it and will have it if it's really important to you, just remember to take it one at a time.

Little story about this: When Corey left for Chile last month, he asked if he could take my camera. It is (was) a light blue Canon SD 1300 IS. When he went to Chile in November I felt bad that we hadn't thought of him taking it, cause after he got down there he realized he would have liked to get pictures of that pilot. So this time yes, you should take the camera. And as I handed it over (a little slowly, I think I was saying goodbye...) I knew there was a good chance it would get busted or something, as I thought of all the cd cases that have been cracked and broken or cds scratched in his computer bag and/or luggage. I told my little camera "good luck" (the way Brian Regan does at minute 1:00 here) as I handed it over. I also luckily found it's case as he was heading out the door. I hoped that would increase it's chances of survival.

Well, one day during his trip he called to say "Hey sweetheart! I love you. I think I lost your camera". No worries. He was pretty sure he left it on the seat of the taxi. "Well I hope that whoever finds it really needs it," was my reply. He had thought and hoped the same thing. Sure, part of me saw it coming, but no need for me to be upset. I am a stay at home mom, that camera was given to me by Corey, he is the one that earned the money to buy it, he does an amazing job, I know he will yet provide means for me to get another camera. (I also hope whoever has it now can find a charger for the battery - shouldn't be too hard if they know about ebay...)

So a camera wasn't on my list, but after he told me that it was lost in Chile, that moved to #1 of my needs/wants, and after a couple of weeks of keeping my eye open I bought one yesterday at Costco for $109, pretty good deal I thought. With just a little patience, you can have anything you want, you just have to get it one at a time. :)

ps - I also broke my Canon SD780 in Chile, so now I have the accessories/battery chargers for a SD1300 IS and a SD780 if anyone has a similar camera and wants these... I'm in a big time clearing out clutter mode this week, so let me know. :)


  1. I like this idea! I think I"ll make a list too, and on it will be all the books on my shelf I keep meaning to read and haven't yet :)

  2. I too have a list of things I'd like or want and like you it's mostly stuff for the house. At the end of each month if there's any money left over I'll buy something. I do want a bosch mixer and I've been saving 100% of my birthday money for 3 years now and i think this will be the year. I did have to fork over $100 of my mixer fund money to pay for my speeding ticket which killed me but oh well. Come August I think I'll finally get my mixer and hopefully the wait will make it worth it!
