Monday, March 26, 2012

Random Thoughts

Corey's off to Chile again. He'll be gone two weeks, I think this is his 5th trip down since we all came back from Chile last May. We shall try to keep busy so that the time passes quickly, shouldn't be too hard cause it's always busy here. I know Corey will be busy down there, they are doing another pilot at Santo Tomas, good luck sweetie!

Still can't find my camera. I'm a little perplexed. Two possibilities that I see - Lily found it and has put it somewhere. Or maybe the Abi's friends that were here for preschool last week found it? The last picture uploaded to my computer was from last Monday the 19th. Hmmm, where could it be?!?! It's bugging me.

Tonight I'm going up to Layton to look at a refurbished Kirby Vacuum. I've been a supporter of Dyson for the past few years, but our Dyson is over 10 years old and we need a new one. I almost bought myself a new one for Christmas but decided to hold off. Then came the Kirby salesman to our door in January. Our carpets need to be washed, and the Kirby Sentria he was showing off comes with a shampoo attachment! It looked really good, but no way we're paying $2000 bucks, sorry. I did some googling to see if it really was better than the Dyson and looks like it is, hands down. And what do you know, Ksl classifieds has lots of Kirbys - new ones, old ones, yay!

So I'm going to look at a Kirby in Layton tonight, and since I'm going up that way, I'm going to go visit my little bro and his lovely wife and cute kids. Neil is such a trooper, he rides the bus to work, so we're going to go pick him up and have a nice chat on the drive there. They even offered dinner, thanks Amy. I plan on trying to learn a little more again from Amy on how to be a good homemaker. It was Corey's departing wish, that there can always be food around to keep the "wolves at bay". Gonna figure it out before he gets back (knock on wood).

And I'm going to paint our kitchen table and benches and chairs black. :) I consider this my official and first furniture DIY!

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