Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Eth

It's Ethan's birthday and I didn't get a picture cause I can't find my camera. That's what I get for trying to organize. You know how when you're clearing stuff out it always looks worse before it looks better? I'm at the "worse" part right now, and my camera is lost somewhere in the mess. Oh well.

(A pic I took of Eth doing math on my computer at my messy desk when it was bad and before it got worse and before the camera went missing...)

But I did make him an amazing triple layer cookie/oreo/brownie cake, it was a hit, (thanks Jillian). Ethan is a big Oreo fan, I think he gets that from his Grandpa Wayne.

Ethan has started to homeschool - he begged and pleaded and proved himself worthy to his father, and he is going to finish out the 4th grade at home. I really like Khan Academy for math, and he's ripping up the soprano sax, and reads up a storm all day, so it's good. And since he is home I took him to Chuck A Rama today for a b-day lunch. He liked it. He's a good kid. Love you Eth, Happy 10th!


  1. Awww, I have an Ethan too! Happy Birthday to your 10 year old!

  2. Happy Birthday Ethan! I'm so pleased to hear you enjoyed your celebration cake. So, so, so YUMMY!
    Tiffanie, Sam is our 4th grader. I have LOADS of homeschool info for that age if you need any ideas. We have a traditional (and comprehensive) approach to teaching. If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Jillian - we had a good dry run at homeschooling during our time in Costa Rica & Chile, so I have a good idea, but if you have anything that you just love and wouldn't homeschool without I'd love to know about it!

  3. I like that you keep it real with the messy photos- that's my house, it's a mess, then it gets worse as I try to clean, then it's only clean until the kids get home from school and then it's a mess again.

    And props to you for homeschooling!
