Monday, March 12, 2012

Quotable Movies

There's an obscure file in my brain that has lots of movie quotes ready and waiting for the right time to use them. Lots of quotes from Bill Cosby, Princess Bride, and other fabulously quotable movies. The Monkees tv episodes have their own file that it chock full from my childhood obsession, and there's a huge file for my current favorite Brian Regan. (Seriously, everytime I go hunting for those whiskers that are popping up on my face as I grow gracefully older, I think of him - "Has he noticed the hair yet? How is that possible that he hasn't noticed that hair? He must look directly into the mirror...")

With Daylight Saving time still shocking my body, I've been chuckling a little at Count Rugen's line. Princess Bride is a great movie cause it is so very quotable. At times when I’m feeling particularly melodramatic, I tend to drop into Buttercup’s, “You mock my pain!” (I try not to remember The Man in Black’s reply: “Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.”)
Seriously, it's just catchy. I'm sure many people spent a sizable portion of middle and high school Spanish classes muttering in bad accents, “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

I think of Miracle Max every time I have a cut on my finger, like now in this still cold and dry Utah winter air - "The King's stinking son fired me, and thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? We're closed!!"

Magascar 1 and 2 are very quotable - "...YoU dIDn'T sEe AnYtHinG..." Madagascar 2's got a special place in my heart, cause Alex's comment totally hit the spot when we we missed our plane out of Chile because of their silly PDI rules - we were at our friends house watching Madagascar 2 at midnight I totally laughed when they were musing over their adventure ... "That was fun" "Yeah, that was fun..." "...I´m sure it will become more funny the further we get away from it" LOL!

What are your favorite quotable movies?

Oh! Duh, I forgot Kid History!!! Episode 6 is the best! "I made you guys a smoooothieeee!" "That's nasty dude!" My kids quote Kid History all the time, love it! And I just played it again for fun, and Melodie, down in the kitchen, heard the Kid History music and came bookin' - KID HISTORY IS TOP PRIORITY apparently. lol

1 comment:

  1. We regularly quote movies too. Right now, with a new fish installed in our tank, we are quoting Finding Nemo a lot..."I can't see, Flo!"
