Thursday, March 8, 2012

Relief Society Organizing Challenge

Last week I went to a little organizing class at a Relief Society meeting taught by Amy Egan (and she is such a cutie) and it got me so motivated to keep at it - "it" being the long term goal of an organized life and home. :) It's so nice to take it one day at a time, and to know that even though the list of things I want to do is huge and sometimes overwhelming, if I break it into small doses, it's doable! So here is her 21 day challenge:

Amy's 21 Day Organizing Challenge
(Start at anytime and if you need an extra day or two, take it)

1 - Junk Drawer - yep - start out right!
2 - Computer Desk
3 - Tupperware Cabinet
4 - Linen closet
5 - Under the Kitchen Sink
6 - Dresser Drawers
7 - Pantry
8 - Coat Closet
9 - Toy Organization or Movie/cd Organization
10 - Laundry Room
11 - The Freezer
12 - Spice Cabinet
13 - Medicine Cabinet
14 - Under Guest Bathroom Sink
15 - Under Master Bathroom Sink(s)
16 - Refrigerator
17 - Mail and Bills
18 - Keepsakes
19 - Master Closet
20 - Photos
21 - You Pick
Way to go!! Look what you have accomplished in just 3 weeks.

I just love Relief Society (the organization for women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). I love the amazing ladies I meet there and for how they bless my life with their examples and ideas and for the opportunities it gives me to share and serve, it's just wonderful!

Another thought - I remember long ago when I watched "The Net", I thought it was terrible how her identity was stolen and she didn't have anyone who knew her to help her - I wished she had a Relief Society or church family to help her (of course, that would have ruined the whole story plot). Still, it made me relieved to know it could never happen to me cause I've got lots of people at Church who know me. Phew!

Also, the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" which we recently watched, I felt so bad when he and his son slept in the subway bathroom, and I just wished that he would have had a bishop or home teachers or ward friends to call upon when he needed help. As we've traveled as a family to Brazil, Costa Rica and Chile, and as Corey's traveled on his own to India, Korea, Argentina - no matter where we go, we know we have a family there that is ready and willing to help us in anyway they can - we always have a home. I'm so grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ!

I believe most people are good and kind and will help any stranger if they can. Mormons are right in there in that group of good and kind people - I know you can and will find friendship among the Latter Day Saint congregations in your area. LDS wards are assigned geographically, so you go to the ward that is over the area that you live in. You can find your ward at the Church's website - Go visit if you can, I know you will find friends there. As Joseph Smith said "If ye will not embrace our religion, accept our hospitality." I extend my hospitality to you. If you are ever nearby or in need, please call me (I'm trying to learn how to be hospitable, I thought this book looked good, if you get it before I do let me know how you like it)

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