Friday, April 20, 2012


We're heading out to Califor-nigh-a in a little bit, kids are pretty much packed, Corey and I - not much packed.  La-de-da, so I thought I'd come blog for a sec since I have lots of other things I need to do.  I will probably have internet access while we're gone, but don't know if I'll get a chance to blog anything, so probably won't log in here again for 10 days. 

Last time we went to California was in 2010.  Mel had short hair then.  I'm taking the scissors cause she wants it short now, but I like it with the layers we just gave her.  We'll see who wins.  She's got short hair in that pic below from 2 years ago if you can see it.  It is cute short.  We're going with a pretty large group, and with said large group I plan on doing what we did last time: using everyone's tickets to get a ton of fast passes for California screaming, and then going on that over and over and over and over and over again, oh yeah!  The start of that ride always gives such a thrill, I love it!

Lily and Abi sleeping at California Adventure 2 years ago

 Excited to go to the beach, plus I'm sure there will be alot of this goin' on...

When we get back I plan on taking up this 31 day challenge here, and get a family menu schedule set and then put all the fun ideas and recipes in this way cute recipe binder I got at Costco!  Love the little spatula and whisk, I couldn't resist.

Have a great rest of April!  Be back in 10 ~

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