Monday, April 9, 2012

Good Lookin'

Here's our pretty girls all ready for Church

Even Sophia was smiling! Great photo girls!

And here are our handsome boys...
Ethan, you're looking a little shaggy on top. And who agrees that Hyrum is a Ralphie look-alike?

I think they make a pretty good looking group.


  1. Lili's hair is soo cute! Way to go getting everyone's hair done all cute! Go Tiff!

  2. Oh the picture of the girls is so sweet and Sophie tops the cake. Did you use sponge rollers on their hair. I tried to curl Lucy's hair and it did not turn out and was thinking the sponge rollers may work if she'd actually sleep in them.

    1. I did use sponge curlers. I just used them for the tops of their heads and left the back so they'd sleep okay, then curled the back with the curling iron in the morning, and it was cute for the pigtails cause it made it curley but still long (if that makes sense?) I just used 3 sponge curlers for Lily and used 5 for Abi.

  3. I love seeing the picture of four and four. What a cute family you have!

    1. Thanks Kristen! Heading over to your blog to see if you've got pics of your new bundle up!
