Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Haircuts and Hair Extensions

Gave Joe a hair cut the other day. Was just going to be a trim around the ears, but then I messed up on one side so we had to do the whole thing. Sorry Joe. He's nice though, doesn't get mad at me, just was a little disappointed that it was going to take longer than he wanted. Afterward he said the haircut looked good. Phew!

I wanted to cut Mel's hair too, so I gave her a little trim then we both couldn't decide if we like her hair better long or short - it's so cute short, but it's so fun to play with long hair, so we compromised and gave her some layers. Afterward she and her brothers enjoyed playing with her hair remnant -

making unibrows

and a mustache

:) Funny kids

And her hair looks so cute too! I like it. Each time I walk by her, I say "Wow! Nice haircut!!" It's about time for me to go in for a trim - it's my annual Mother's Day gift to myself. My long hair gets in the way a lot, but also makes it possible for me to play this game with Sophia -

The kids called her "Tarzan baby" :)

So there's how a baby would look with hair extensions! Funny


  1. Your kids can have a good time with anything! :) Love Soph's look!

    1. They definitely are a creative bunch, got that silly Hibbert blood in their veins. :)

  2. You havent posted pics of yourself lately, but I can tell how good you look by your legs. You have given me strength to restart again my goals. I keep thinking of the 70% in the kitchen, 30% in the gym quote...here I go!
