Thursday, April 5, 2012

My First DIY!!!!

I planned on doing this when I bought this table 9 months ago, and I finally did it! I put on the last coat of polyurethane last night and let it dry, brought it all up from the basement while the kids were still in bed, the house was cleaned and ready to present to Corey when he got home, we picked him up at 11 - glad he's back to enjoy a little bit of spring break with us.

And now, presenting ~ what I consider my first official DIY!

Before above, After below

Our old table has a new look. I should have done this earlier, cause the original finish was already so worn off when we bought it that our months of spills and use have caused additional bubbly water damage on the top veneer finish. Oh well. Still looks better, it was pretty fun. Would have been better to have a pro coach me through this. Ron was helpful, but I know my technique wasn't great. My Polyurethane coating leaves much to be desired. Still, not bad for my first job. :)

Plus I did these stools too. Was going to buy some online - a pair for $50, instead bought 4 used stools for $25, going to go pick up 4 more tomorrow, we'll have varied heights for little kids and big kids. They are all shiny and glossy right now, I think I'll rough them up a bit with sandpaper sometime next year after they get broken in, the table too.

The benches turned out the best. :) They are two benches that were my parents' that I borrowed in 2005 and have kept by default. Thanks Mom & Dad - I love benches. Just makes the room look tidier and less cluttered to not have lots of chair legs and chair backs. Easier to sweep, super easy to quickly wipe clean, I give benches two thumbs up.

As for decorating the rest of the home, I read this again today - creating child friendly spaces throughout your home - the kids go in every room anyway, I think that's a good idea to let them know they're welcome in each room. I'll add that to my list of projects. :)


  1. Nice job! I think you just inspired me to paint my table...

    1. Go Steph! I was originally inspired to do this several years ago, so if you're like me, it might take about 4 years to follow through with inspiration ;)
