Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Melodie won a school art contest last week for her drawing of a Grizzly bear.  There was one winner for photography, one art winner for kindergarten through 3rd, and one winner for the 4th-6th grades.

Good job Mel.  (She really wanted to win, she entered 3 drawings)

We might have a future photographer on our hands in Ethan. 

He keeps taking my camera and taking random pictures, eventhough I've told him a hundred times not to touch it.  Cute picture of Sophi though.

Some of them are kind of abstractly artistic, the one below I've titled "Peanut Butter"

 "Dirty Socks on Counter"

In other news, my cleaning party's almost over.  A door to door salesman came by selling Advantage cleaner last week.  He was doing a great job with his salesman skills, he was nice, and I was feeling charitable, and he was able to clean out every carpet spot I had him try, so I bought some.  Although I do really hate it that his little demonstrations brought to my attention how absolutely filthy the grout in the kitchen is.  Got about half of it cleaned, going to try and finish that tonight.  Thanks to him, I discovered I had a lot more work to do than I originally thought, on stuff that I didn't even notice before.  Although I should be grateful, cause I'm sure other people noticed it.  Nasty floors.  

The Advantage cleaned out all the spots on the stairs carpet - I did that after the kids went to bed, and the dirty carpet by the kitchen, so the carpet looking pretty good, just gotta finish the kitchen.  Kinda pricy stuff, but I felt like I was able to be the kind purchaser to the salesman in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, which as I watched that I was grateful for him everytime some kind soul bought one of his machines.  Let's help each other out, right?  So, kitchen tile, bathroom tile, then hopefully my desk which is always last on the list and the one thing I never ever get to.  Sigh.  But gotta put things back together today, Corey comes home tomorrow ~

He's had a long trip and lots of plane flights and bus rides.  "The charm (of traveling) has worn off" he says, so hopefully the software will be up and running soon enough that he won't have to go down to "babysit" it during their pilots.   I don't like being a single mom.  It was only 10 days and I'm feeling pretty beat up.  Don't know how our military families do it, Thank you for your sacrifices.  I remember and honor you on Veterans day and every day.  God Bless America, land of the free and home of the brave. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow way to go Melodie! Following in Linda's footsteps. What did she draw with, colored pencils? Sorry I am clueless when it comes to art but appreciate those who can draw so much.
