Friday, May 18, 2012

Girl's Night Out

Guess what surprise I'm giving to my girls tonight while the boys go on a Father & Sons campout (in the rain, have fun!) with their Daddy?  Well, first we're going to go exchange some shoes at the mall that I ordered that are too small (that's not the surprise) then we're going to drive to Provo for some Krispy Kreme doughnuts -

...they'll be excited about that one, but wait, there's more!  Cause after we pick up some doughnuts, we are going to go to pick up these (that's the surprise).  Mel's gonna scream.  I think I'm slightly crazy to bring home two girls when I have two boys, but it will be fun.  We will keep them separated in their respective boys and girls boxes, and keep an eye on them to make sure they don't fool around on the grass.  Prep ourselves and learn some stuff about how to care for the babies just in case.  I read this, don't agree with all their opinions and concerns, but good to know.  We'll show you pictures tomorrow if I don't change my mind when we see them.

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