Monday, May 14, 2012

How Will You Measure Your Life?

Corey read this news article yesterday and is very excited to read Clayton Christensen's new book -
Go read that article, it's really good. (time lapse) Did you read it?  Good stuff, huh!  Here's my favorite part:

Forbes wrote this about the book: "It mixes tested business theories, a heap of common sense and Clay's deep confidence in the authority of God. It's one of the more surprisingly powerful books of personal philosophy of the 21st century. The questions it asks are the right ones: How do I find satisfaction in work? How do I create a family with relationships that are meaningful and fulfilling? How do I raise kids who are responsible, kind and make good choices?
"Ask any recovering alcoholic or addicted gambler or adulterer. They'll tell you what Clay tells you: it's easier to hold to one's principles 100 percent of the time than it is to hold to them 98 percent of the time. For kids graduating from college right now, this is the best time to engage in this personal reflection. Life, kids, careers and other pressures have a way of swallowing up time. Decide now what you stand for. Stand for it all the time."

Corey will be getting it to read during his trip to Chile next week.  Corey's got all of the Innovators books, plus he was super flattered and thought it was fun that he was mentioned in the Innovators DNA as an example of how innovators observe and learn from their environment. Plus he's also mentioned there in the acknowledgements, fun!  It as Corey's first time being published.
Things are going great with M o v i e Mouth by the way.  I have to type M o vi e Mouth that way (with spaces) so that Google search doesn't find it on our blog, Corey's not ready for it to be publicized too much yet and our blog was too high up there on the search engine from my posts during our time in Chile.He had me go through the blog and change every reference to M o v i e Mouth to "Media Mouth", which is the official name of his incorporation. 

Anyway, loved that whole article.  True happiness is found in your relationships, in the people around you, in our family, and in righteous living.  Like to give a shout out to Corey, he's a great Dad and he's so good to the kids and to me.

We had a fun Mother's Day yesterday.  Had a little BBQ and visit with extended family, then the kids had fun playing outside in the backyard.  Corey was showing his impressive move of doing a rainbow with the soccerball, and did it beautifully over his head...
...and right into the neighbor's backyard.  It was funny.
Melodie asked me "Can we do this every Sunday?"  Playing with Dad and Popsicles - sounds great to me.
Well, popsicles for Corey and the kids, chocolate truffles for Sophia and me!  :)