Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Patient as a Pig

These poor pigs...

They are so sweet and patient.  These little guys let my kids dress them up in lacy doll panties and little doll vests.  The vest is super cute on Butterfinger, I don't think Oreo cared too much for the underwear, however.

Melodie and her friends are having fun with the Pigs.  Melodie crocheted them both little collars to wear.  Melodie is good to them, Lily is a little rough, so I'm glad they are big guinea pigs instead of baby rats, I'm sure if we had baby anythings right now Lily would have already loved them to death.  Yeah, not sure if the Pigs are enjoying all this attention, but I love that I don't ever hear them complaining!  They are such good examples, I'm hoping these human children of mine pick up some good habits from the pigs. Just look up with cute little eyes, don't say a word, like the pigs do, or Sophi does. That is the way to get people to be your slaves. 

I promise you it will soften our hearts.  Talking back. nagging, or demanding things from us could get you killed. Maybe I'll get all my kids binkis to help remind them to keep silent.  God gave us two ears and two eyes, but only one mouth.  Spend 40% of your day watching and learning by example, 40% listening to instructions, and only 20% talking about what you know.  I'll try to take that advice myself, I think it is a key to loving and serving others, you have to know about them, and you don't get that by talking, you get it by watching and listening to them.  So I'll keep talking to myself when I blog, but that's it - when I'm not in virtual reality, I'm all ears.

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