Saturday, June 23, 2012

3 Years Old

Someone had a birthday today! 

She's learned to say that she is "free" years old (as she holds up five fingers.)  This morning it took her a while to warm up to all the attention her siblings were anxious to bestow upon her.

But soon the party was up and running.  Everyone enjoyed the birthday cake.

Wesley unintentionally swallowed his tooth with his cake.  It was barely hanging on and I asked him if I could pull it before he ate but to no avail.

Abi started to assume possession of Lily's balloons, then her crown, then her presents... Lily's older siblings came to her rescue to preserve her birthday rights of ownership.

But we let Sophia keep a balloon, it makes her so happy!

and my favorite shot of the day, Corey sharing his lap and some kisses with his little birthday princess...

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