Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Per Eckhart Tolle (chapter 5), the pain-body is a part of the ego that feeds on negative emotion and drama.  Well, I'm having a bit of drama and my pain-body would be loving it, but luckily I'm aware of my pain-body and was thus able to squish it before he even got going.

First off, last night after Wesley's birthday party, he started having a coughing fit and couldn't breath.  Corey took him to the ER.  Didn't talk with Corey too much, but from what I understand it might be croup, an allergic reaction to something, or asthma.  I think the doctors are leaning towards the latter.  Well, then I woke up at 2:30 to find that Corey and Wes are still gone, I was woken up by a little 9 month old baby who threw up on my bed.  Look at those little sleepy eyes wondering what her body just did to her and why I turned on the light...

So, since it was 3 a.m. and I was awake and giving Sophia a bath and doing laundry, I figured I'd give them a call and see what the status was.  He had gone out to a different hospital and they have Wes on different things, they were there all night.  Then I gave her a bath and then we snuggled on the little side couch in our room, smelling her freshly washed head and listening to the wind blow through the pinetrees out our window, feeling peaceful and heavenly (take that Pain-body!).

I think Sophi threw up cause her brand new little body is still wise enough to know to reject this birthday garbage, whereas the rest of us have trained our bodies to think this is a gourmet meal.

Wes is still at the hospital now, Corey and I are going to do a quick trade of places cause Wes misses me! 

And remember this advice which I also had to go to Brazil to learn ~

"Yes, life has its problems, and yes, there are negative things to face, but please accept one of Elder Holland’s maxims for living—no misfortune is so bad that whining about it won’t make it worse."

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Sophi is cute! So tired, and her finger on her mouth... cute! I hope Wes doesn't have asthma, but just something temporary. Definitely a way to remember a birthday tho!
