Saturday, June 9, 2012

Silly Lily

Lily's been being a little goofy this morning ~

Eating cereal a little funny... then acting a little funny

Then acting a lot funny...


I love Lily - she brings me joy! 

Update - we're kinda attempting to potty train this almost 3 year old.  In the process she peed in her bedroom.  Abi is mad at Lily for peeing by her shelf and has been harassing her.   Lily came to complain to Corey...

Lily: Dad! Abi be mean!!

Corey: Abi's being mean?!?! 

Lily: Yeah!  ( pause ) Can you kill her?

Me: ( lauging here by the computer )

Corey: Hmm, seems a little harsh.  (Walks over to me) I have no idea where she got that from.

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