Friday, June 1, 2012

You Can Predict the Future!

We watched the movie Next last night with the little people cause Corey had a lesson he wanted to teach the kids.  I hadn't seen it before, it was pretty fun!  As in most all movies, there were some inappropriate parts which we were quick to point out ~ "Should you be kissing some stranger that you've just barely met? - No.  Good.  Do you know how long I knew your mother before we kissed?  A long time."  And talking about kissing and also "seeing/predicting" the future like the main character in this movie does led up to the lesson Corey wanted to share.

He asked "Do you know what tomorrow is going to look like?  You have a pretty good idea, right?  Mom's going to wake you up, you're going to eat cereal, go to school, etc.  Is there anything else that's going to happen?  Did you know that YOU actually could choose some things that are going to happen to you tomorrow and in your future?  You can choose!"  Then he gave them an example of predicting the future that began ... with ... a kiss ...

"Did you know that your mother and I knew each other in 7th grade (1989) and were friends for lots of years before we ever held hands or kissed?"  (Held hands in December1994 - I kept such good journal records!)

Then, speaking about this movie character's "gift" to see future events, Corey asked... "Did you know that someone you know chose what day they were going to be married 4 years before it happened?  They wrote it down 4 years before it happened and then it really did happen!  Would that be pretty cool to predict that?"  The kids nodded in affirmation.  I smiled and said "Yes, I am a prophetess!!"  True story - Corey and I kissed on the lips for the first time around 2 a.m. on February 19, 1995, and that night (around 3 a.m.) when I came home and before collapsing on my bed, I quickly glanced at a 4 year calendar in my day planner and thought about the future ~ Corey mission for 2 years, probably June 95-June 97, I'll probably serve a mission too April 97-October '98, so that takes us to October 1998, give it a few months after that for the engagement and planning, Hmm, February '99 will work pretty well, and look at that, the 19th is on a weekend, that works.  And since today, February the 19th, was such a momentous day for us, that would be symbolically appropriate too, so ...." then I quickly wrote in my journal

Isn't that fun?  I was such a silly girl - already signing my journal entries "Tiffanie Wride".  Corey and I, we've got a really fun courtship story.  It all seems like a dream now, from a former life before marriage and kids, but I know it happened cause it's all written in there.  And it just keeps getting better ~

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