Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Breakfast for Dinner

I came home from Costco with a dinner menu all planned out for the week.  But Lily had different plans in mind.  We had just had Breakfast for dinner the night before (Puffy Pancakes, bacon, and apricots) but I guess Lily liked it so much she wanted to try and force us to do it again, so, she took a loaf of bread and made 7 butter sandwiches (with a LOT-o-butter) and had placed the sandwiches on each stool for all the kids - such a sweet little mother in the making
Well, I try anyway I can to avoid wasting food... but I don't think Lily can eat all these on her own...
And I don't know how else I can trick the rest of the kids into helping eat this buttered bread other than disguising it in French toast and syrup, so here we go with breakfast for dinner again. 
Kids are very happy, they love breakfast for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. My first thought was make grill cheese sandwiches. Throw a salad and fruit on the side and dinner is served!
